Inhalt dieser Ausgabe
- International Patent Filings Set New Record in 2011
- OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050: The Consequences of Inaction
- OECD-Studie „Green Growth Studies: Energy“
- OECD: “Greening Development – Enhancing Capacity for Environmental Management and Governance”
- Frascati Manual: New Annex on Measuring Research and Development in Developing Countries
EU / Europa
- Blue Card: Kommission warnt Mitgliedstaaten vor bürokratischer Behandlung hochqualifizierter Migranten
- KMU-Beteiligung am 7. FRP: 15-Prozent-Ziel erreicht
- Start frei für neue EU-finanzierte Forschungsinfrastruktur für Biologie
- CNRS eröffnet das erste internationale Labor der Europäischen Kommission in Japan
- Automatic Settlement for Skilled Workers to End
- Catapult-Programm zur Förderung von Offshore-Energietechnologien
- Semester Shift to Align Universities Globally Means Major Overhaul
- Harper Government Investing in Research Excellence at Canadian Universities
- Harper Government Invests in Clinical Research
- Ontario Businesses to Gain Greater Access to Highly Skilled Graduates
- USAID Announces New University Engagement Partnership Program
- President Obama Launches EV-Everywhere Challenge as Part of Energy Department’s Clean Energy Grand Challenges
- Another Bumper Year for Chinese Science
- China's Solar and Wind Power Industries Put on Hold?
- China 'Soaring Ahead' in Nanotechnology Research
- World Bank Report on China Calls for University Autonomy
- Research Elite Honoured with Awards
- Denmark: Innovation Strategy Will Create Jobs and Growth
- Tekes Has Had a Significant Impact on Finnish Innovations
- India to Boost Science Collaboration With Africa
- NWO Presents Its Plans for the Top Sector Policy
- TNO to Advise European Parliament on Innovation Policy
- Linking Services, Research and Education: New Programme for Health and Welfare Services
- New White Paper on Research in the Works:Clear Priorities and Adjusted Thematic Priority Areas
- Research Council of Norway: Nearly 5,000 Grant Applications in 2011
- Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria erhält Zusage über eine Milliarde Euro
- ESPI Workshop zur ESA-Erweiterung
- Joint Workshop on Smart Specialisation Strategies
- Nationalbehörde ANCS legt Zwischenevaluation der FEuI-Politik vor
- Kerstin Hesselgren Professor and Olof Palme Professor Appointed for 2012
- VINNOVA Director-General Proposes Life Science Partnership
- South Africa Signs Higher Education Agreement with Cuba