UNESCO GO-SPIN: Uruguay – Länderinformationen zur Wissenschafts-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik
The Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN) on-line platform, developed with the financial support of the Swedish government, is a source of information on STI policies and policy instruments for more…
UNESCO GO-SPIN: Venezuela – Länderinformationen zur Wissenschafts-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik
The Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments (GO-SPIN) on-line platform, developed with the financial support of the Swedish government, is a source of information on STI policies and policy instruments for more…
Weißrussland: Bildungsministerium
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus is a republican organ of government which pursues governmental policies in the field of education, provides regulation, management and governmental monitoring in the sphere of education as well as…
Pakistan: MoST - Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technologie
The Ministry of science and Technology is the national focal Ministry and enabling arm of the Government of Pakistan for planning, coordination and directing efforts to initiate and launch scientific and technological programs and projects aimed at…
Pakistan: Bildungsministerium
The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training is a federal ministry of the Government of Pakistan. The ministry's political figure is known as the Education Minister of Pakistan.
The department’s main responsibilities include creating…
Marokko: Ministerium für Industrie, Handel, grüne und digitale Wirtschaft
Das Ministerium ist für die Gestaltung und Umsetzung der Politik der marokkanischen Regierung in den Bereichen Industrie, Handel und neue Technologien verantwortlich.
Der Internetauftritt ist in französischer und arabischer Sprache verfügbar.
Ägypten: MoE - Ministerium für Bildung und Berufsbildung
Das Ministerium für Bildung und Berufsbildung (Ministry for Education and Technical Education, MoE) ist für sämtliche Bildungsbereiche mit Ausnahme der Hochschulbildung zuständig.
Ägypten: NRC - National Research Centre
Set up in 1956, NRC is the largest multidisciplinary R&D centre in Egypt. Its mission is to conduct basic and applied research within the major fields of interest in order to develop production and services sectors.
NRC consists of 14 divisions and…
Ägypten: STDF - Science and Technology Development Fund
Tthe Science and Technological Development Fund (STDF) was created in the course of a restructuring of the S&T governance in 2007, in addition to the creation of the Higher Council for Science and Technology (HCST).
To realize its vision and…