Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen Politikberatung

Israel: CSO-MOH - Chief Scientist Office, Ministry of Health

The Chief Scientist’s Bureau in the Ministry of Health is an important junction in the advancement of medical research in Israel. For this purpose the bureau focuses on the following main areas:

  • Managing the Chief Scientist’s research foundation

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen

Großbritannien: NERC - Natural Environment Research Council

NERC - the Natural Environment Research Council - is the leading funder of independent research, training and innovation in environmental science in the UK. The Council is mainly supported by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS),…

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

Großbritannien: Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) – Forschungszentren

NERC supports six research centres, which provide leadership to the UK environmental science community and play significant and influential roles in international science collaborations:

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen

Großbritannien: ESRC - Economic and Social Research Council

The Economic and Social Research Council ESRC is UK's largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. It supports independent, high quality research which has an impact on business, the public sector and the third sector.…

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen

Großbritannien: AHRC - Arts and Humanities Research Council

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, along with the other UK Research Councils. AHRC is a national funding agency supporting both arts and…


Großbritannien: Nuffield Foundation

The Nuffield Foundation is a charitable trust established in 1943 by William Morris, Lord Nuffield, the founder of Morris Motors.

The Nuffield Foundation funds research, analysis, and student programmes that advance educational opportunity and…

Bildungs- und Forschungskooperation Bildungsorganisationen

Großbritannien: BC - British Council

Founded in 1934, the British Council is a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body.

The British Council encourages international students to come and study in the UK, and British students to experience life abroad. The British…


Großbritannien: QAA - Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education -

Aufgabe der "Quality Assurance Agency" (QAA) ist die Gewährleistung solider Standards in der höheren Bildung für das gesamte Vereinigte Königreich. Diese werden gemeinsam mit anderen Bildungsorganisationen weiterentwickelt und der Öffentlichkeit…


Großbritannien: EFSA - Education and Skills Funding Agency

The ESFA brings together the former responsibilities of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to create a single agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults.


  • is…

