Republik Korea (Südkorea): KRIVET - Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training
KRIVET is a national policy research institute, established in 1997 with the mandate of supporting national human resources development policy and the Korean public’s lifelong skills development.
KRIVET belongs to a group of 23 research institutes…
Republik Korea (Südkorea): KEDI - Korea Educational Development Institute
KEDI conducts scientific analysis and develops appropriate policy measures to meet Korea’s current educational issues such as lowering the expenditure of private tutoring, improving the achievement level of students, increasing autonomy in schools,…
Republik Korea (Südkorea): KNIH – Korea National Institute of Health
The Korea National Institute of Health (KNIH) was established in 1945 to promote public health via disease-related research and development. As a major component of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, KNIH plays a key role in discovering the causes…
Niederlande: Nuffic - The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education
Nuffic is the service centre for internationalisation from primary and secondary education to vocational training and higher education and research. Its head office is in The Hague. The Netherlands Education Support Offices (Nuffic Nesos) are…
Deutsch-Emiratische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK)
Die Deutsch-Emiratische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK) mit Büros in Abu Dhabi und Dubai koorrdiniert die Delegationen der Deutschen Wirtschaft im Irak, Oman und Katar und betreut den Standort Kuwait.
Republik Korea (Südkorea): KOICA - Korea International Cooperation Agency
KOICA was established as a governmental agency dedicated to providing grant aid programmes of the Korean Government in April 1991. KOICA endeavours to combat poverty and support the sustainable socioeconomic growth of partner countries.
Angebot für Rückkehrende Fachkräfte des CIM - Centrum für internationale Migration und Entwicklung
Mit seinem Angebot für Rückkehrende Fachkräfte setzt sich das CIM für einen gezielten Wissenstransfer ein. Im Programm Migration für Entwicklung werden in der Programmkomponente Entwicklungsorientierte Migration Menschen, die aus einem der…
Republik Korea (Südkorea): KF - Korea Foundation
The fundamental mission of the Foundation is to promote a better understanding of Korea in the international community and to foster global friendship by conducting exchange activities between the Republic of Korea and foreign countries around the…
Republik Korea (Südkorea): KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
KAIST was established in 1971 as a model research university. Its purpose is to
- Educate and foster elite scientists for the future, equipped with basic theories and capability for practical applications.
- Carry out both long and short term basic…