
CSO Zentrales Büro für Statistik - Irland

The Central Statistics Office was established in 1949 as Ireland's national statistical office. Its status was formalised in legislation with the enactment of the Statistics Act, 1993. The mandate of the CSO, as set out in that Act, is "The…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

GEOSTAT Nationales Büro für Statistik - Georgien

National Statistics Office of Georgia, the legal entity of public law, carries out its activities independently. It is an institution established to produce the statistics and disseminate the statistical information according to the Georgian…


Statistikamt Bosnien und Herzegowina

Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina is statistics collected, processed and disseminated to implement statistical programs or other statistics required for Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are three statistical institutes within the Bosnia and…


Generaldirektorium für Statistik und Wirtschaftsinformationen - Belgien

The Directorate General Statistics and Economic Information (DGSEI) is in charge of the national (official) statistics in Belgium. The DGSEI is also responsible for the production of European statistics. These pages contain information on the…


Staatliches Komittee für Statistik der Republik Aserbaidschan

The structure of the state statistical committee (Azərbaycan Respublikasının
Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi) currently comprises the state statistical committee of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the statistical department of Baku, the statistical…


Nationaler Statistikservice der Republik Armenien

The National Statistical Service of the Rupublic of Armenia has got the mission to collect, publish and disseminate official statistics for public use. Its main functions are:

  • to collect, process, summarize and publish statistical data,
  • to co-operate…


INSTAT Albanisches Institut für Statistik

The statistical service in Republic of Albania is realized by the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), local statistics departments ministries or other central institutions statisticsdepartments and civil offices and other subjects. The statistical…


ES Statistik Estland

Statistikaamet (abbreviation SE) is a government agency at the area of administration of the Ministry of Finance. The main task of Statistics Estonia is to provide the public institutions, business and research spheres, international organisations…


Statistisches Ministerium der Slowakischen Republik

The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic is central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for the branch of statistics. Its status is given by the Act No. 575/2001 Code of Acts on Organizational Activity of Government and the…

