Allgemeine Landesinformationen

Büro für Statistik der Republik Slowenien

The National Statistics Act and the programmes of statistical surveys (annual and medium-term) represent the legal framework for the operation of the statistical system in Slovenia. Authorized producers are also involved in carrying out some specific…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

PBC Statistisches Büro der Republik Serbien

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is specialized, professional organization within the public administration of the Republic of Serbia, performing expert tasks related to:

  • Adopting programs, organization and conducting of the…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

INE Nationales Institut für Statistik - Portugal

The Instituto Nacional de Estatística is the National Statistical Institute of Portugal. Its headquarters is located in Lisbon. It also calls itself Statistics Portugal in English. The first census in Portugal was carried out in 1864. The census…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

MONSTAT Büro für Statistik Montenegro

Statistical Office of Montenegro - MONSTAT is competent body for the production of official statistics. National and international public recognizes MONSTAT role as a provider of official statistics in Montenegro’s statistical system. As the…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

NBS Nationales Büro für Statistik der Republik Moldau

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is the central administrative authority which, as the central statistical body, manages and coordinates the activity in the field of statistics from the country. In its activity, NBS acts according to the…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

Statistisches Büro Mazedonien, E.J.R.

The State Statistical Office is specialised and independent organisation within the state administration in the Republic of Macedonia. The basic functions of the institution are collecting, processing and disseminating statistical data about the…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

STATEC Zentrale Dienstelle für Statistik und Wirtschaft - Luxemburg

STATEC is the government statistics service of Luxembourg. STATEC was one of the first public services to launch several projects within the eGovernment programme, making as many services as possible available on-line. As an active provider, STATEC…


Statistik Litauen

Statistics Lithuania is an institution governed by the Republic of Lithuania, founded by a 1990 resolution during the process of Lithuanian re-establishment of independence and codified by the 1993 Law on Statistics of the Republic of Lithuania. The…

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

CSB Zentrales Büro für Statistik - Lettland

According to the laws of the Republic of Latvia, Cabinet Regulations and the By-Laws of the Central Statistical Bureau, the CSB is a direct administration body subordinated to the Ministry of Economics and acting as the main performer and coordinator…

