Europäische Kommission: Regionalpolitik - Inforegio
Die Generaldirektion (GDD) „Regionalpolitik und Stadtentwicklung“ der Europäischen Kommission betreibt die Seite "Regionalpolitik - Inforegio". Auf dieser werden allgemeine Informationen zur europäischen Regionalpolitik angeboten sowie zu relevanten…
GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international open data infrastructure, funded by governments.
It allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types of life on Earth, shared across national boundaries via the Internet.
…Brasilianische Klassifikation der Beschäftigungen (CBO)
Die Brasilianische Klassifikation der Beschäftigungen (Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações - CBO) wird vom Brasilianischen Ministerium für Arbeit geführt und gibt einen Überblick über nicht-ausbildungspflichtige Berufe.
U.S. Cluster Mapping Project
The U.S. Cluster Mapping Project is a national initiative that provides open data about regional clusters and economies to support U.S. business, innovation, and policy. The project is led by Professor Michael Porter through Harvard Business School's…
Skills Initiative: Förderung der deutsch-amerikanischen Zusammenarbeit bei der Ausbildung von Arbeitskräften
Through the Skills Initiative, the German Embassy is bringing together German and American businesses and local education/training providers with the aim of developing training programs best suited to businesses’ needs. The Embassy launched the…
USA: DATA.GOV - Portal für öffentliche Daten is the official portal for open data from the U.S. government. It is a public domain website, which means you may link to at no cost.
Statistische Behörde unter dem Präsidenten der Republik Tadschikistan
The Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan is the central statistical office of the country. The Agency on statistics is administratively autonomous and its head serves as the country's chief statistician who reports to the…
INS Nationales Institut für Statistik - Rumänien
Official statistics in Romania is organized and coordinated by the Institutul National de Statistica (INS), specialized body of central general government, legal entity, subordinated to the Government and coordinated by the minister who coordinates…
KSH Ungarisches Zentralbüro für Statistik
The Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (KSH) is a professionally independent public administration agency under tha government. Designing and conducting surveys, recording, - proccessing and storing data, data analyses- and dissemination, protection of…