StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenEuraxess expandiert nach Singapur und Indien

Euraxess expandiert nach Singapur und Indien

Das Netzwerk EURAXESS Servies bietet seine Dienste ab sofort auch in Indien und Singapur an. Das Netzwerk wurde 2006 als Forum für europäische Forscher in den USA gegründet. Mittlerweile betreibt EURAXESS allein in Europa über 200 Zentren in 35 Ländern und hat seine Aktivitäten auch auf Japan und China ausgeweitet.

EURAXESS Links is a vital networking tool for European researchers already established in the US, China and Japan. Given its success in creating links between European researchers abroad and catering effectively for their needs, EURAXESS Links has now expanded to Singapore and India.

EURAXESS Links started its activities in 2006 in the USA. Its vision is to become a global community acting as the forum for European researchers abroad, providing them with a virtual connection to Europe. By creating this link, they remain connected to Europe and act as European ambassadors in their own right, encouraging scientific cooperation between their host countries and Europe.

Following services can be expected from EURAXESS China, India, Japan, Singapore and USA:

  • Networking opportunities with events, web forums, researchers’ databases, etc.
  • Information through websites, newsletters and information days
  • Collaboration, career & funding opportunities in Europe through career fairs, EURAXESS Jobs, “matchmaking” via forum, joint conferences and workshops. 

In the coming years EURAXESS Links plan to expand to Brazil, Canada and South Africa, so European researchers in these countries can look out for EURAXESS Links near them in the future. 

Quelle: EURAXESS Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Indien Singapur Themen: Netzwerke

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