Berichte und Studien
Hier finden Sie Berichte und Studien zu Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationssystemen weltweit, mit fachlichem und/oder regionalem Fokus.
Europäische Kommission: Strategische Vorausschau in den Ländern des Westbalkans
The study "Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon", published by the European Commission, outlines three scenarios on the possible futures of Research and Innovation (R&I) policies in the Western Balkans region in 2035.
IASC State of Arctic Science Report
Since 2020, the International Arctic Science Comittee (IASC) publishes its annual State of Arctic Science Report. It aims to be a cohesive synthesis of international Arctic research activities and priorities, as gathered from the Arctic research…
Weltbank: Vietnam - Science, Technology, and Innovation Report 2020
Der Bericht "Vietnam: Science, Technology and Innovation Report 2020" ist das Endprodukt des Vietnam Enhancing Innovation Analytical and Advisory Services (ASA) Programms unterstützt von der Australia – World Bank Group Strategic Partnership in…
Copernicus Marine Service: Ocean State Report
The Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report is a Reference Report of the European Union. The annual publication provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art report on the current state, natural variations, and ongoing changes in the European…
Europ. Kommission: Großbritannien – ATI-Länderbericht zu fortgeschrittenen Industrietechnologien
The starting point of this analysis has been sixteen advanced technologies that are a priority for European industrial policy and that enable process, product and service innovation throughout the economy and hence foster industrial modernisation.…
Europ. Kommission: Japan – ATI-Länderbericht zu fortgeschrittenen Industrietechnologien
The starting point of this analysis has been sixteen advanced technologies that are a priority for European industrial policy and that enable process, product and service innovation throughout the economy and hence foster industrial modernisation.…
Europ. Kommission: Kanada – ATI-Länderbericht zu fortgeschrittenen Industrietechnologien
The starting point of this analysis has been sixteen advanced technologies that are a priority for European industrial policy and that enable process, product and service innovation throughout the economy and hence foster industrial modernisation.…
Opportunities and challenges for EU-China STI collaboration stemming from China’s 14th Five-Year Plan
The objective of this paper authored by Ingrid d’Hooghe in the framework of the ““EU R&I Knowledge Network on China” | Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation…
China’s specific regulatory framework on data and how it impacts EU-China R&I collaboration
During the last five years China has modernised and substantially revised its regulatory framework on data which has a direct impact on STI cooperation between European and Chinese partners.
These newly passed laws and regulations lead to…