StartseiteDokumenteEuropäische Kommission: Research and Innovation Investment Gap Study - Policy Report

Europäische Kommission: Research and Innovation Investment Gap Study - Policy Report

Erscheinungsdatum: 09.03.2023 Fachberichte und -studien

The report provides the results of a comparative study of the levels of research and innovation (R&I) investment in food systems across the European Union (EU), considering both public and private R&I expenditure at national and EU level.

To inform the study, three main strands of research were used:

  • a review of projects funded through the EU R&I Framework Programmes (Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and Horizon 2020);
  • a mapping of national public funding available for food systems R&I in the EU Member States;
  • a first analysis of private sector expenditure on food systems R&I.

Data were categorised based on the priorities, pathways and sectors identified by the European Commission’s Food 2030 R&I policy framework to understand overall levels of expenditure on different priorities in food-related sectors.

The report serves as a complement to the policy paper of June 2022.

Quelle: Publications Office of the European Union Redaktion: von Franziska Schroubek, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Förderung Innovation Lebenswissenschaften Wirtschaft, Märkte

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