StartseiteDokumenteSynthesebericht des Zwischenstaatlichen Ausschusses für Klimaänderungen (IPCC): Sechster Sachstandsbericht (AR6)

Synthesebericht des Zwischenstaatlichen Ausschusses für Klimaänderungen (IPCC): Sechster Sachstandsbericht (AR6)

Erscheinungsdatum: 20.03.2023 Fachberichte und -studien

This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It integrates the main findings of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) based on contributions from the three Working Groups, and the three Special Reports. The summary for Policymakers (SPM) is structured in three parts:

  • SPM.A Current Status and Trends,
  • SPM.B Future Climate Change, Risks, and Long-Term Responses, and
  • SPM.C Responses in the Near Term.

This report recognizes the interdependence of climate, ecosystems and biodiversity, and human societies; the value of diverse forms of knowledge; and the close linkages between climate change adaptation, mitigation, ecosystem health, human well-being and sustainable development, and reflects the increasing diversity of actors involved in climate action.

Based on scientific understanding, key findings can be formulated as statements of fact or associated with an assessed level of confidence using the IPCC calibrated language.

About the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. It was established by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1988 to provide political leaders with periodic scientific assessments about climate change. The IPCC has 195 member states that are members of the UN or WMO.

IPCC assessments provide governments, at all levels, with scientific information they can use to develop climate policies. IPCC assessments are a key input into the international negotiations to tackle climate change. IPCC reports are drafted and reviewed in several stages to guarantee accuracy, objectivity and transparency.

About the Sixth Assessment Cycle

The IPCC prepares comprehensive Assessment Reports about the state of scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place. It also produces Special Reports on topics agreed to by its member governments, as well as Methodology Reports that provide guidelines for the preparation of greenhouse gas inventories.

The Panel at its 41st Session held in Nairobi, Kenya from 24 to 27 February 2015 agreed that it would continue to prepare comprehensive assessment reports every five to seven years and that the scoping of the Synthesis Report – SYR – as well as attention to cross-cutting issues should start at an early stage.

Quelle: IPCC Redaktion: von Franziska Schroubek, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Global Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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