StartseiteDokumenteStrategiedokumenteUSA: National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing 2022

USA: National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing 2022

Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 2022 Fachberichte und -studien Länderberichte und -studien Strategiedokumente

The 2022 National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing, a report prepared by the Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing, Committee on Technology of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), updates the 2018 Strategy. It is based on a vision for United States leadership in advanced manufacturing that will grow the economy, create quality jobs, enhance environmental sustainability, address climate change, strengthen supply chains, ensure national security, and improve healthcare.

To achieve the stated vision, three interrelated goals are set:

  • Develop and implement advanced manufacturing technologies;
  • Grow the advanced manufacturing workforce; and
  • Build resilience into manufacturing supply chains.

To achieve these goals, 11 strategic objectives with technical and program recommendations are identified for the next four years:

  • Enable clean and sustainable manufacturing to support decarbonization;
  • Accelerate manufacturing innovation for microelectronics and semiconductors;
  • Implement advanced manufacturing in support of the bioeconomy;
  • Develop innovative materials and processing technologies;
  • Lead the future of smart manufacturing;
  • Expand and diversify the advanced manufacturing talent pool;
  • Develop, scale, and promote advanced manufacturing education and training;
  • Strengthen connections between employers and educational organizations;
  • Enhance supply chain interconnections;
  • Expand efforts to reduce supply chain vulnerabilities; and
  • Strengthen and revitalize advanced manufacturing ecosystems.

This Congressionally-mandated strategy seeks to improve U.S. Government coordination and provide long-term guidance for Federal programs and activities in support of U.S. manufacturing competitiveness, including advanced manufacturing research and development.

The Committee on Technology of the NSTC is responsible for planning and coordinating Federal programs and activities in advanced manufacturing research and development and developing and updating a quadrennial national strategy for advanced manufacturing.

Quelle: The White House Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: USA Themen: Engineering und Produktion Innovation Physik. u. chem. Techn. Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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