StartseiteDokumenteJapan: Nationale Quantenstrategie

Japan: Nationale Quantenstrategie

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.04.2022 Nationale Innovationsstrategien Strategiedokumente

Through quantum technology (QT) Japan aims to realize the transformation of society as a whole to create growth opportunities for Japanese industry, and to solve social issues such as carbon neutrality.

This vision of future society and strategies can be summarized by three basic concepts:

  • Create opportunities for industry to grow and solve social challenges by incorporating QT into the overall socioeconomic system and integrating it with conventional (classical) technology systems (hybrids)
  • Promotion of the use of QT by development of testbeds, etc.
  • Creation and revitalization of industries and startups using QT

Linked is the English summary in the form of a presentation. The full version of the strategy in Japanese can be found here.

Quelle: Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Redaktion: von Laura Bazahica und Lynn Dinh Länder / Organisationen: Japan Themen: Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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