StartseiteLänderAfrikaAfrika: Weitere LänderUNCTAD: Technology and Innovation Report 2015 (Äthiopien, Nigeria, Tansania)

UNCTAD: Technology and Innovation Report 2015 (Äthiopien, Nigeria, Tansania)

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.12.2015 Länderberichte und -studien

The UNCTAD Technology and Innovation Report 2015, subtitled Fostering Innovation Policies for Industrial Development, examines how Africa’s Governments can better implement science, technology and innovation policies, and coordinate them with industrial policies and industrial development plans.

To shed light on this picture, the report provides in depth analyses of industrial and science, technology and innovation policies in Ethiopia, Nigeria and the United Republic of Tanzania, along with regional trends and initiatives in policies in other African countries. The report shows that patterns of policy conceptualization, design, planning and implementation are critical to the success of companies and hold the key to making technology work for business.

Quelle: Webseite Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Äthiopien Nigeria Tansania Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Förderung Grundlagenforschung Information u. Kommunikation Innovation Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Wirtschaft, Märkte

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