StartseiteLänderAfrikaKeniaAIMS-DFG: Deutsch-afrikanisches Besuchsprogramm für junge Forschende aus den mathematischen Wissenschaften

AIMS-DFG: Deutsch-afrikanisches Besuchsprogramm für junge Forschende aus den mathematischen Wissenschaften

Stichtag: 31.10.2023 Forschungsaufenthalte

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) unterstützt gemeinsam mit dem Afrikanischen Institut für Mathematische Wissenschaften (AIMS) die Anbahnung internationaler Forschungskooperationen in den mathematischen Wissenschaften zwischen Forschenden in frühen Karrierephasen aus afrikanischen Ländern und Forschenden an deutschen Hochschulen.

The aim of the initiative is to familiarise and connect the wider research communities in the mathematical sciences in Africa and Germany with each other and support their internationalisation. The initiative enables participating researchers to identify joint research interests in the field of mathematical sciences and initiate specific joint project ideas.

This call is based on the DFG funding programme "Initiation of International Collaboration". Under this programme, applicants interested in establishing collaborative scientific relations with partners abroad may apply for funding for trips abroad or guest visits. Two different modules are available: Trips abroad to one of the five AIMS centres undertaken by researchers in the German research system and guest visits to Germany undertaken by researchers in early career phases from African countries. The focus of this programme is to facilitate cooperation visits. However, the funding of scientific workshops can be granted in exceptional cases. The funding remains available for a maximum of 12 months after the approval date: individual collaborative measures must be carried out within this time frame.

Proposals can only be submitted by researchers from Germany. Researchers from African countries act as cooperation partners and can receive DFG funding through their German cooperation partners. The eligibility to submit a proposal follows the regulations of the DFG Guidelines for the Initiation of International Collaboration Programme.

Proposals must be submitted in English by 31 October 2023. Proposals can only be submitted by researchers from Germany. Researchers from African countries act as cooperation partners and can receive DFG funding through their German cooperation partners.

Quelle: DFG Redaktion: von Lynn Dinh, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Ägypten Algerien Angola Äquatorialguinea Äthiopien Benin Botsuana Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Côte d'Ivoire Dschibuti Eritrea Eswatini Gabun Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kamerun Kenia Kongo Kongo, Demokratische Republik Lesotho Liberia Libyen Madagaskar Malawi Mali Marokko Mauretanien Mauritius Mosambik Namibia Niger Nigeria Region Ostafrika Region südliches Afrika Region Westafrika Ruanda Sambia Senegal Sierra Leone Simbabwe Somalia Südafrika Sudan Südsudan Tansania Togo Tschad Tunesien Uganda Zentralafrikanische Republik Deutschland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Förderung Grundlagenforschung

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