The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), COP 21, will be hosted in Paris in late 2015. This Event is foreseen as an important step in the negotiation process on climate. Indeed, a binding agreement for 2020 involving all developing, emerging and developed countries is expected.
In this context the Science & Technology Department at the French Embassy in Berlin and its partners: Max Planck Institute in Jena (Germany) and INRA in Paris (France) organize a bilateral symposium Climate change, agriculture and forestry, as one of the preparation events before COP 21 in Paris. The Symposium aims at stimulating relevant expertise and enhancing the exchange of recent scientific knowledge.
The following topics will be covered: Forestry, Climate, Agriculture, Carbon cycle, Greenhouse gases, Ecosystem services, Bio-economy and Biosphere Modelling.
Preliminary program
Introduction : Markus Reichstein (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena) and Jean-François Soussana (INRA in Paris)
Session 1: Forestry, Climate Extremes and the Terrestrial Carbon Balance
Chair: Markus Reichstein
Speakers: Denis Lousteau, Damien Bonal (INRA); Nuno Carvalhais, Miguel Mahecha (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry)
Session 2: The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Agriculture and Climate Change
Chair: Jean-François Soussana
Speakers: Annette Freibauer (Thünen-Institute); Katja Klumpp, Sylvain Pellerin (INRA)
Session 3: Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture
Chair: Markus Reichstein
Speakers: Gianni Bellocchi, Pierre Martre (to be confirmed) (INRA); Frank Ewert (Friedrich-Wilhems University)
Session 4: Bioeconomy, Ecosystem Services and Climate
Chair: Jean-François Soussana
Speakers : Sylvain Caurla (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research); Alberte Bondeau (CNRS, IRD, Université Aix-Marseille)
Session 5: Global Biosphere Modeling
Chair: Jean-François Soussana
Speakers : Nicolas Viovy (LSCE); Sönke Zaehle (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry)
Outlook: Jean-François Soussana and Markus Reichstein
The Symposium language is English
We kindly invite all experts in the field to register (free of charge) before the 1st of May 2014 by sending full name, institution, email address and telephone number to:
Clément Guyot
deputy attaché for environment
E-Mail: clement.guyot(at)
For more information please contact:
Jolanta Lewandowska
Scientific Attaché at the French Embassy in Berlin
Tel. + 49 30 590 03 92 55
E-Mail: Jolanta.lewandowska(at)