StartseiteLänderAsienJapan18. jährliches Treffen des EU-Japan Industriepolitik-Dialogs

18. jährliches Treffen des EU-Japan Industriepolitik-Dialogs

Vertreter Japans und der Europäischen Kommission haben sich am vergangenen Montag zum 18. jährlichen industriepolitischen Dialog in Brüssel getroffen. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse war die Verabschiedung eines Dokuments zur Regelung der weiteren Kooperation.

18th Annual Meeting of the EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue

The 18th Annual Meeting of the EU-Japan Industrial Policy Dialogue took place on 17 March in Brussels. One of the main outcomes of the meeting was the adoption of a Regulatory Cooperation Joint Document foreseeing the enlargement of the existing cooperation to new areas such as robotics, construction and medical devices.

The Regulatory Cooperation Joint Document is the first step towards a deeper and enlarged regulatory cooperation between the EU and Japan. The  Joint Document builds on the existing cooperation between the EU and Japan. The intention is to undertake the cooperation at the earliest stage possible in the process so as to avoid potential damaging discrepancies in the respective systems. As well as preventing potential regulatory divergences, the cooperation also aims to reduce and solve behind the border issues, while respecting the legitimate policy objectives of the parties.

The meeting took place under the chairmanship of Vice Minister Norihiko Ishiguro of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Director-General Daniel Calleja of the Directorate General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

The Dialogue also reviewed the work of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Co-operation and the activities of the business-led EU-Japan Business Round Table. The EU-Japan Centre is supported by METI and DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs through the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME). It is a unique body that seeks to serve a joint 'EU-Japan' vision. The Centre has lived up to the expectations of its stakeholders by continuously adding new services and activities, and providing more output.

The five technical working groups set up within the Dialogue also reported to the annual meeting. The working groups are on:

  • standards and conformity assessment;
  • climate change and the environment;
  • the automotive industry;
  • chemicals;
  • corporate social responsibility.

The working groups will support the implementation of the Regulatory Cooperation Joint Document.

Quelle: Europäische Kommission - Aktuelles Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Japan Themen: Wirtschaft, Märkte Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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