StartseiteLänderEuropaPolen2nd German-Polish Forum on Eco-Innovation

2nd German-Polish Forum on Eco-Innovation

To foster the German-Polish dialog on eco-innovation and promote R&D collaboration the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Warsaw in cooperation with the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas in Katowice and the International Scientific Thematic Network on Environmental Technologies ENVITECH-Net are pleased to invite you to the “2nd German-Polish Forum on Eco-Innovation: Fostering R&D collaboration for a change” to be held in Poznań, Poland, in the days of 24-25 November 2010 during the POLEKO 2010 Environmental Fair.

The main goal of this by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research sponsored event, which is addressed to the research community and R&D policy makers from Germany and Poland is to jointly identify and discuss and recommend bilateral cooperation opportunities in the area of eco-innovation.

The forum will consist of four thematic sessions addressing different aspects of eco-innovation research and implementation in Germany and Poland. More specifically the sessions will focus on:

  • Eco-innovation research priorities in Germany and Poland identification of common research themes for R&D cooperation
  • Enabling environments for successful development and transfer of eco-innovative solutions
  • Capacity building to foster German – Polish cooperation in eco-innovation
  • Barriers and stimulators of German- Polish cooperation in eco-innovation

The event has been designed in a way enabling all participants to contribute with their views and opinions. For each of the thematic sessions short presentations will be presented by speakers from both countries to set the scene for the moderated coffee-style table discussions and expert panel discussions.

Updated information about the event as well as the registration form are also available on the ENVITECH-Net web page To register for the event, the filled registration forms should be sent either by e-mail to office(at) or by fax to + 48 32 254 1717. Deadline for registration is 6 November 2010.

The contact person for this event is Mrs. Izabela Ratman-Klosinska, International Business Manager of the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas and Head of the ENVITECH-Net Coordination Office, tel. + 48 32 254 60 31 ext. 243, mobile + 48 691 566 888, e-mail: rat(at)

Quelle: Deutsche Botschaft Warschau, IB Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Deutschland Polen Themen: Innovation Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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