StartseiteLänderEuropaSchweden2010: Sweden and Denmark top e-readiness ranking again

2010: Sweden and Denmark top e-readiness ranking again

The annual IBM and Economist Intelligence Unit has once again ranked Sweden and Denmark as the top two countries of the international Digital Economy Rankings - formerly known as E-readiness Rankings. Politicians and the industry of the Øresund Region are pleased and confident about the ranking.

The Digital Economy Rankings is a survey of more than 70 countries ability and readiness adapt digital opportunities to social and economic development.

This year Sweden is placed as number 1 and Denmark as number 2 on the list of the most digitally ready countries. In 2009 the placement was reversed which only shows an incredibly strong ICT knowledge and user force amongst the inhabitants.

Denmark's Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, Charlotte Sahl-Madsen is very pleased with the ranking and want to keep focusing on the digital development. According to her, part of the reasoning for the high placement of specifically Denmark is the competences within digital solutions and the population's advanced user skills compared to international standards. Sweden is however stronger in broad band solutions which dedicates the number 1 place this year to them - an activity Charlotte Sahl-Madsen says the Danish government will work on measuring.

Everything points towards a continuously strong Øresund Region withing the ICT field amongst the population as well as in the industry and universities. See i.e. Øresund IT's news about the doubling in number of applications to the IT University in Copenhagen.

Quelle: Presswire and the Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Schweden Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Wirtschaft, Märkte Netzwerke
