Nachrichten: Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)
Hier finden Sie aktuelle Nachrichten zu deutsch-britischen Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation sowie zu Entwicklungen in der Forschungs-, Bildungs-, Technologie- und Innovationspolitik des Vereinigten Königreichs.
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UK: Government announces £250m support for new centre for medical innovation; sets out priorities for strengthening british industry
The Prime Minister and Business Secretary Lord Mandelson announced on 25 March £250 million investment in 2010/11 for a new world-class medical research centre at St Pancras in London, bringing together research teams to tackle major medical…
Businesses cluster to celebrate UK success stories
Minister for Business, Ian Lucas, presented on 24 March the UK’s first-ever "Cluster Marks"- a new award recognising the best of Britain’s manufacturing clusters and their valuable contribution to the country’s economic growth.
Mit Gentechnik zu besserer Lebensmittelqualität und -sicherheit - Forschungsgruppe aus dem Vereinigten Königreich führt internationales Projekt an
Eine durch die EU finanzierte Partnerschaft zeigt den Weg im Bereich Lebensmittelqualität und -sicherheit. Das von der University of the West of England (UWE) im Vereinigten Königreich angeführte Projekt, an dem sich acht Institutionen aus sieben…
Simpler UK skills system formally comes into effect
The new system for allocating government funding to further education and training in England comes into effect on April 1, 2010, following a transition period over recent months.
UK-Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) announces Budget for 2010
Budget boost for smaller firms, extra higher education places and £300m savings - these are the main pillars of the BIS Budget Announcements for 2010.
New UK postgraduate scholarships announced
The Government is investing £2.5 million in the UK’s first Scholarship scheme designed to target, recruit and retain the world’s best research students Lord Mandelson announced on March 25th 2010. The scholarships launched follow a Budget…
UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council publishes Strategic Plan 2010
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) published its Strategic Plan 2010 outlining the approach it will take to ensure that funding for research, people and knowledge transfer meets the challenges of the future for the UK.
Informationsveranstaltung zum Studium in Schottland
David Smyth, Head of School der Fakultät für Wissenschaft und Technik der University of the West of Scotland (UWS), gibt am Montag, dem 29. März 2010, im Rahmen einer Informationsveranstaltung an der Hochschule Lausitz in Senftenberg einen Überblick…
New space agency and new international space centre for UK
A new £40m international space centre at Harwell has been announced at the launch of the UK Space Agency on March 23rd 2010.