StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEurekaEUREKA Clean-Tech Action: Förderung der EUREKA-Projekte und Unterstützung von Aktivitäten im Clean-Tech-Sektor

EUREKA Clean-Tech Action: Förderung der EUREKA-Projekte und Unterstützung von Aktivitäten im Clean-Tech-Sektor

Englischsprachiger Artikel über Initiative EUREKA CleanTech Action (ECTA), die im Rahmen der derzeitigen israelischen EUREKA-Präsidentschaft ins Leben gerufen wurde. Ihr Ziel ist es, F&E-Kooperationen, EUREKA-Einzelprojekte, EUROSTARS, Cluster und sog. "Umbrellas projects" im Cleantech-Bereich zu fördern und hervorzubringen.

About the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action As part of the EUREKA Network’s commitment to addressing “Grand Challenges” and the Israeli EUREKA chairmanship’s emphasis on clean technologies, EUREKA is launching the EUREKA Clean‐Tech Action (ECTA) , a campaign aimed at encouraging the generation of EUREKA projects focused on cooperation in the clean‐tech sector.

The aim of the Clean-Tech Action is to support and facilitate bottom-up generation of Clean Tech related industrial projects through existing EUREKA instruments, all in a comprehensive, focused and high-energy environment where all stakeholders will be present – including technology providers, policy makers, regulators, investors and end users.  

The Aims of the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action:

  • To promote R&D cooperation in Cleantech
  • To follow common timelines and ensure secure funding
  • To generate EUREKA individual projects, EUROSTARS, Clusters and Umbrellas projects in the field of Clean-tech

The EUREKA Clean‐Tech Action provides financial support and partner-matching services to innovation activities leading to sustainable products and solutions in a variety of clean-tech related industries and fields.  

Find more information on the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action Flyer.

What are Clean-Technologies?  

Clean-Tech can be understood, in line with the European Commission’s definition in the LIFE Directive, as new industrial processes or modifications of existing ones intended to reduce the impact of production activities on the environment, including reducing the use of energy and raw materials," [specifically]:

  1. "conservation of raw materials,
  2. optimization of production processes,
  3. rational use of raw materials,
  4. rational use of energy,
  5. rational use of water,
  6. disposal or recycling of unavoidable waste,
  7. accident prevention,
  8. risk management to prevent major pollution, and
  9. restoring sites after cessation of activities."

Nevertheless, in line with the bottom-up principle of EUREKA and its inter-governmental character, the definitional scope for clean-tech activities and projects is ultimately left to the judgment of the involved industries and respective national funding schemes.     

EUREKA Instruments’ Support for Clean-Tech  

The Clean-Tech Action aims to generate industrial R&D projects in the field of Clean‐Tech by mobilizing existing Network instruments – including EUREKA Individual Projects, Eurostars projects, Umbrella and Cluster projects. Industrial participants with clean-tech projects are invited to apply for funding and support through these instruments, following their specified deadlines and procedures.

  • Individual Projects
    • The individual project platform is the main European funding tool for large companies and research institutes, also open to SMEs, that are interested in doing business through technology.
    • While project proposals can be submitted year-round, for a project to be labeled under the Clean-Tech Action within the Israeli Chairmanship year, applications should be submitted by May 2011.

  • Eurostars
    • Eurostars is a European funding and support program for close-to-market projects led by R&D performing SMEs.
    • Next deadline for submission of applications is 24 March 2011 .

  • Clusters
    • Given their flexible structure and their representation of all the main stakeholders in the fields of ICT, energy, water and manufacturing – whether large companies, SMEs or academic institutions – Clusters are a major instrument for generating immediate operational cooperation among a large number of participants.
    • The EUREKA Clusters will support Clean-Tech oriented projects through respective Clusters Calls (see individual cluster websites for more specific deadline information).

  • Umbrellas
    • Umbrellas are thematic networks within the EUREKA framework which focus on a specific technology area or business sector. The main goal of an umbrella is to facilitate the generation of EUREKA projects in its own target area.  

Register to participate in the 4 th Annual Eilat - Eilot Renewable Energy Conference and Convention, in cooperation with the Israeli EUREKA Chairmanship  

The EUREKA NCP-HLG Meeting 2 (Feb 22‐24, 2011) being held in Eilat, Israel will have a clean‐tech focus, welcoming international participation in innovative initiatives that support the mission of the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action.
The event is planned to coincide with the 4th Annual Eilat‐Eilot Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition , which all EUREKA stakeholders are invited to participate in. At this meeting place for technology providers, policy makers, regulators, investors and end users, the Israeli EUREKA Chairmanship, together with Eilat‐Eilot Conference organizers, will provide facilities for B2B partnering, project generation meetings and access to R&D funding schemes, as well as admittance to lectures, panel discussions and technical visits.
In addition to access to regular conference events, those guests participating in the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action will receive special “E! Company” status, which includes a 10-percent discount on the conference registration fee and a host of other benefits.  

As a EUREKA Company guest, you will receive:

  • 10% discount on registration fee and on exhibition booth sponsorship (for non-Israeli guests only, email hadas(at) for the discount registration code)
  • Free access to the EUREKA Inter-Cluster Info Day on Feb. 23, 2011 in Eilat at the Hilton Hotel (14:00-18:00). Register for the event by emailing uzi(at)
  • Enhanced B2B support services, in addition to the services provided by the Eilat-Eilot conference organizers , E! companies will automatically receive the B2B matching services offered by EUREKA and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
  • On-site assistance in partner-matching provided by EUREKA and EEN experienced staff (visit our booth at the conference).
  • And even more!  

> Register for the Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Conference

> Learn more about EUREKA’s partnership with the Eilat-Eilot Conference

> FAQ on the Eilat-Eilot Conference and EUREKA  

The EUREKA Inter-Cluster Info Day
February 23, 2011 I 14:00- 18:00 I Hilton Hotel, Eilat, Israel

Looking for ways to get your clean-tech technology or service to the market?  Get your questions answered on-the-spot by leading industry stakeholders such as GE, Mekorot, VEOLIA, Siemens, Suez Environment, Philips, RAD, EADS, Ericsson, Schlumberger, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, France Telecom, Deutsche Telekom and more.  

At the EUREKA Inter-Cluster Info Day, you can learn more about funding opportunities and partner-matching services through the unique EUREKA Clusters program. Leading Cluster representatives will present on their activities, their involvement in the EUREKA Clean-Tech Action, their calls for proposals, and opportunities for the submission and development of new projects in clean-tech.  

EUREKA’s thematic Clusters program brings together SMEs, research institutes, and industry giants to produce large-scale cooperative projects in communications, energy, information technologies and water.  

To register for the EUREKA Inter-Cluster Info Day, contact uzi(at)

You will find more information on the EUREKA Inter-Cluster Info Day flyer.

Quelle: EUREKA Secretariat Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Israel Eureka EU Themen: Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit Förderung Netzwerke Engineering und Produktion

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