StartseiteThemenWissens- und TechnologietransferDritte Runde des German Israeli Partnership Accelerator GIPA

Dritte Runde des German Israeli Partnership Accelerator GIPA

Stichtag: Dezember 2019 Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Der deutsch-israelische Partnerschip-Accelarator GIPA, vormals hessisch-israelische Partnerschip-Accelarator, geht in seine dritte Runde. Es werden talentierte Studierende und junge Forschende aus Deutschland und Israel gesucht, die im Rahmen des Programms gemeinsam Lösungen für Herausforderungen in der Cybersicherheit suchen.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT in Darmstadt and the Cybersecurity center at the Hebrew Univerity of Jerusalem organize the German Israeli Partnership Accelerator (GIPA), formerly known as Hessian Israeli Partnership Accelerator. It connects one of Europe‘s leading research locations with Israel‘s vibrant start-up scene. GIPA addresses top cybersecurity talents of computer science and engineering from Israel and Germany, and brings them together.

GIPA is based on two pillars: it is an incubator aimed at young academics and a program to transfer cybersecurity expertise to corporate partners.

The incubator is dedicated to foster new security innovations and start-ups. Focused on Cybersecurity and Privacy, it aims to speed up the development of new technological ideas and connect young entrepreneurs with researchers, advisors, customers and influencers. The incubator combines the strong experience of the Cybernation Israel with Fraunhofer’s agile innovation model. In one of Europe’s leading hub for applied security research participants will solve real life cybersecurity challenges from areas such as:

  • Internet & Cloud security
  • Security mechanisms for the Internet of Things, industrial security and embedded systems
  • Protection against Advanced Persistent Threats
  • Web Security

Entrepreneurs and young professionals from Germany and Israel form mixed teams that address current cybersecurity challenges identified by Fraunhofer SIT. The program starts with one week of training with a cyber-range platform, entrepreneurship and technology lectures that lay the foundations for succeeding in the cyber challenge in three months. Each team is coached by experienced Fraunhofer researchers. The program ends with one week in Darmstadt and a final conference day.

Application Deadline is December 2019.

Quelle: GIPA Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Israel Themen: Fachkräfte Information u. Kommunikation Innovation Sicherheitsforschung

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