StartseiteAktuellesBekanntmachungenDFG-ISF: Fördermöglichkeit für israelisch-deutsche Grundlagenforschungsprojekte in allen Bereichen der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften

DFG-ISF: Fördermöglichkeit für israelisch-deutsche Grundlagenforschungsprojekte in allen Bereichen der Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften

Stichtag: 30.10.2024 Programmausschreibungen

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und die Israel Science Foundation (ISF) veröffentlichen eine Ausschreibung für gemeinsame israelisch-deutsche Forschungsprojekte, die einem Lead Agency-Verfahren folgen. Bei dieser ersten Ausschreibung wird die DFG als Lead Agency fungieren und für den Begutachtungs- und Evaluierungsprozess verantwortlich sein.

Israeli-German research teams are invited to submit joint research proposals within the scope of basic research in all fields of the sciences and the humanities.

This bilateral call will be managed via a Lead Agency Procedure. The DFG will act as the Lead Agency in this call, i.e. proposals have to be prepared in DFG format according to the DFG guidelines and the DFG will be in charge of organising the review and evaluation of the proposals. The joint proposals have to be submitted to the DFG by the principal investigator (PI) based in Germany. If several PIs are involved, only one PI from Germany should submit the joint proposal.

The ISF and the DFG will use their standard programmes for proposals within this initiative, i.e. DFG: the Research Grants Programme, ISF: the Personal Research Grants Programme. There are no separate funds available for this joint initiative. This opportunity follows the general funding lines and budget of the DFG and ISF.

Each research project must be jointly conducted by a team of Israeli and German applicants. The principal investigators on each side must be eligible to apply to their respective funding agency. The duration of the projects must not exceed 36 months.

Joint proposals must be submitted by 30 October 2024 to the DFG by the Germany-based principal investigator. After submission of the proposal to the DFG by the PI in Germany, a copy of the proposal documents (and all necessary additional documents and information required by ISF) must be submitted to the ISF by the Israel-based partner by 12 November 2024. If the Germany-based PI is using the DFG´s electronic submission system elan for the first time, the PI will need to register in elan prior to submitting the proposal, no later than 23 October 2024.

Quelle: DFG Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Israel Themen: Förderung

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