Republik Korea (Südkorea): NAS - National Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea, is the senior national organization of distinguished Korean scientists and scholars. Its primary objective is to promote learning and research in all areas of sciences by conferring membership and…
Indien: INSA - Indian National Science Academy
The Indian National Science Academy promotes science and its use in India. It was originally established in 1935 and was known as the 'National Institute of Sciences of India' until the present name was adopted in 1970. The Government of India…
Ethiopian Academy of Sciences
The Ethiopian Academy of Sciences was launched in 2010 and reestablished as an autonomous institution in 2013 with Proclamation No. 783/2013. The Academy aims to advance the development of all the sciences, including the natural sciences,…
Botswana: BAS - Botswana Academy of Sciences
The Botswana Academy of Sciences (BAS) promotes excellence in scientific research and services carried out by Botswana Scientists and seeks to provide evidence-informed science to the government and policy makers on quality of science in Botswana.
CIP - Zentrum für Internationale Projekte an der moldawischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
The Center of International Projects (Centrul Proiecte Internaționale al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei - CIP) is an auxiliary public institution of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), which promotes and manages bilateral and multilateral…
Academia Europaea
Die Academia Europaea ist eine europäische regierungsunabhängige wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, die im Jahr 1988 gegründet wurde. Ziel der Academia Europea ist es, Bildung und Forschung in Europa zu fördern und den interdisziplinären und…
Italien: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (National Academy)
The Academy promotes excellence through its Fellowship which included, among many other prestigious names, Galileo Galilei. The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, placed within the sphere of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage is considered the highest…
Lettland: LZA - Latvian Academy of Sciences
Die Lettische Akademie der Wissenschaften (lettisch Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, kurz LZA) ist die höchste wissenschaftliche Institution Lettlands. Über 300 lettische und internationale Wissenschaftler in den Naturwissenschaften,…
GAIN - German Academic International Network
Das German Academic International Network (GAIN) wurde als Gemeinschaftsinitiative der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gegründet. Zu den assoziierten Mitgliedern…