Belize: MOECST - Ministerium für Bildung, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Technologie
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MoECST) of Belize is responsible for th education system of Belize. It is structured in the following departments:
- Policy and Planning Division
- Reforming the system of education
- Transfo…
Dominikanische Republik: Bildungsministerium
Das Ministerio de Educación de la República Dominicana ist für die Planung, Leitung, Verwaltung und Entwicklung des dominikanischen Bildungsmodells, die Verwaltung der öffentlichen Schulen und die Aufsicht über die öffentlichen Schulen zuständig.
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate: Bildungsministerium
The Ministry's mission is to develop an innovative Education System for a knowledge and global competitive society, that includes all age groups to meet future labor market demand, by ensuring quality of the ministry of education outputs, and…
Saudi-Arabien: Bildungsministerium
The Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pursues to provide Education to all in an appropriate Educational Environment within the framework of the Kingdom's Education Policy, as well as to promote the quality of Education Outcomes,…
Oman: Ministerium für Hochschulbildung, wissenschaftliche Forschung und Innovation
The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation is the governmental body in the Sultanate of Oman responsible for supervising high education institutes and the development of high education policies in the Sultanate.
Oman: Bildungsministerium
The Ministry of Education (MOE) is the governmental body in the Sultanate of Oman responsible for the educational system preceding university education (which is supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation).
Katar: Ministerium für Bildung und Hochschulwesen
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education is the highest official authority on all educational affairs in the State of Qatar. It undertakes the development of educational plans, policies, strategies and research, training and development of all…
Irak: MoHESR - Ministerium für Hochschulbildung und wissenschaftliche Forschung
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR) aims at making quantitative and qualitative changes in the scientific, technical and cultural movement in Iraq and directing scientific and research institutions to undertake the…
Kuwait: Ministerium für Hochschulbildung
The Ministry of Higher Education of Kuwait oversees plans and programs for the preparations and development of manpower through opportunities for higher education and specialization in various fields of studies in natural sciences and humanities. The…