StartseiteAktuellesTermineOnline-Veranstaltung zur Veröffentlichung des Asia-Europe Science and Technology Diplomacy Report

Online-Veranstaltung zur Veröffentlichung des Asia-Europe Science and Technology Diplomacy Report

Zeitraum: 11.04.2025 Ort: online

The Asia-Europe Science & Technology Diplomacy Report maps the strategies, priorities, policy tools, and performance of more than 40 Asia–Europe Foundation (ASEF) member countries. Through the help of individual researchers, ASEF Education (ASEFEdu) has gathered data through desk research and interviews with key stakeholders in the field to identify common objectives, trends, and activities across the two regions.

The Report addresses two main questions:

  • What strategies do countries in Asia and Europe have for Science Diplomacy?
  • What initiatives and tools are being used to implement these strategies?

The Report is supposed to function as a resource of information for different actors interacting with science, technology, and innovation diplomacy – promoting and facilitating dialogue, knowledge exchange, and cross-sectoral and interregional collaboration. Furthermore, the aim is to contribute with further insights into the complex ecosystem of Science and Technology Diplomacy and spread awareness and increase information available on the recent trends in the field in Asia and Europe, to maximise the potential of Science, Technology, Innovation.

The findings will be presented on 11. April 2025, during an online launch event, featuring a panel discussion with diplomats, academics, and professionals in the field. Registration is required to participate.

The report is part of the Asia-Europe Science & Technology Diplomacy Initiative, which connects academics, diplomats, professionals and students engaged in international collaborations related to science, technology, and innovation in Asia and Europe.

Quelle: European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance Redaktion: von Julia Arning, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: China Indien Indonesien Japan Kambodscha Kasachstan Malaysia Myanmar Pakistan Philippinen Republik Korea (Südkorea) Singapur Thailand Vietnam Belgien Bulgarien Estland Finnland Frankreich Griechenland Italien Kroatien Lettland Litauen Luxemburg Malta Norwegen Österreich Polen Rumänien Schweiz Slowakei Slowenien Spanien Ungarn Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Zypern EU Australien Themen: Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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