Euro-CASE-Konferenz: Von Offener Wissenschaft zu Innovation

Zeitraum: 19.09.2022 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

Opening science has a crucial role, both to support the innovation process, and to increase the trust in scientific findings, to tackle crises such as the pandemic or to address major societal issues such as climate change and sustainable development.

The conference "From Open Science to Innovation. An engineering challenge for Europe", organised by the European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences (Euro-CASE) on Septemper 19th in Brussels, will address promising ways of opening science, mechanisms such as "Open Science". Speakers illustrating these ways with interesting cases, such as the "European Open Science Cloud" (EOSC), the "European Association of Research and Technology Organisations" (EARTO) and the "Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie" (ANRT). Through these examples the role of Industry, the Research Community, Government, and dedicated organisations promoting cooperation will be highlighted. The conference will also address how Opening Science can be used to boost Technological and Industrial Innovation for the Prosperity of Europe and to tackle the so called "European paradox", Europe still being at the top for basic research, but often unable to translating scientific advances into marketable innovations.

Quelle: Euro-CASE Redaktion: von Felix Kessinger, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Innovation Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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