StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Online Informationstag mit anschließender virtueller Kontaktbörse: Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Innovation im Donauraum

Online Informationstag mit anschließender virtueller Kontaktbörse: Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit in Forschung und Innovation im Donauraum

Zeitraum: 28.10.2021 Ort: online

The Online Info day "Facilitating Research & Innovation Cooperation in the Danube Region on 28 October 2021" will take place online and be broadcast via Zoom Webinar. It aims to bridge potential applicants from the Danube Region in upcoming Horizon Europe “Widening participation and spreading excellence“ calls in order to foster participation in this programme. The main conditions of the addressed Horizon Europe "Widening" calls with a special concentration on the various novelties, new possibilities and actions will be presented by a representative of the European Commission. In addition, some of the so far successfully implemented "Widening" projects in previous EU framework programmes will be presented.

The event is organised by the EUSDR (EU Strategy for the Danube Region) "Priority Area 7" focused on the development of the "Knowledge Society" required by the Danube region researchers and initiated by the results of last years survey on​ "Participation of the Danube Region Countries in Horizon 2020" and its further "Recommendations for Increasing Participation in the EU Framework Programme for R&I Horizon Europe".

The Info day will be supplemented by the possibility of continuous (long-term) virtual matchmakings (B2B) meetings lasting until 15 March 2022 (the end of the last submission deadline of the targeted Horizon Europe “Widening” calls). The bilateral virtual matchmaking meetings provide prospective applicants or researchers an opportunity to meet and discuss ideas for joint projects and to build consortia.

The long-term virtual matchmaking is not only linked to the Info day on 28 October 2021. Anyone interested can create and upload a professional (organisational) profile before or after the Info day but has to register for the Info day first until 27 October (12 am CET). Then, on 29 October 2021, there will be opened the registration for the long-term virtual matchmaking once again and until March 2022.

Quelle: EU Strategy for the Danube Region Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Kroatien Moldau Montenegro Österreich Rumänien Serbien Slowakei Slowenien Tschechische Republik Ukraine Ungarn EU Themen: Innovation Netzwerke sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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