StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Online-Seminar zur Europäischen Forschungsinfrastruktur: Motor für Wissenschaft und Innovation

Online-Seminar zur Europäischen Forschungsinfrastruktur: Motor für Wissenschaft und Innovation

Zeitraum: 28.10.2020 Ort: online

The League of European Accelerator based-Photon Sources (LEAPS) invites to a Zoom seminar on 28 October 2020, 10–12 CET with the topic “European Research Infrastructures: Engines for Science and Innovation” hosted by MEP and vice-chair of the ITRE Committee (European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy), Lina Gálvez.

The aim of the event is to contribute to shaping the Research Infrastructure (RI) landscape in Europe under Horizon Europe. The key role of RIs in contributing to solve the most urgent Global Challenges, including energy storage and viral threats, will be showcased. There will be a debate with interventions from the European Commission, the LEAPS chair and scientific experts followed by a panel discussion of experts. The online event will finish with an open discussion in the form of an interactive exchange of experts and policymakers.

The event will give a glimpse of a working landscape for RIs and will discuss how this model can work together with the funding instruments in Horizon Europe.

Registration is open at the conference website; Registration deadline is 23 October. After registration, an email with the link for virtual access will be sent.

Quelle: League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources - LEAPS Redaktion: von Mirjam Buse, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Infrastruktur Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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