StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Weitere LänderAEI-DFG-Aufruf für gemeinsame spanisch-deutsche Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen Psychologie, Teilchen- und Kernphysik sowie Atmosphären-, Ozean- und Klimaforschung

AEI-DFG-Aufruf für gemeinsame spanisch-deutsche Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen Psychologie, Teilchen- und Kernphysik sowie Atmosphären-, Ozean- und Klimaforschung

Stichtag: Einreichung bei AEI bis 31.01.2025, 7 Tage darauf bei DFG Programmausschreibungen

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) und die Agencia Estatal de Investigatión (AEI) geben den Start des zweiten Teils der Pilotphase für ein gemeinsames Lead Agency-Verfahren bekannt. Bei dieser zweiten Pilotausschreibung wird die AEI als federführende Agentur fungieren und für den Begutachtungs- und Bewertungsprozess verantwortlich sein.

In the pilot call, Spanish-German research teams are invited to submit joint research proposals in the fields of:

  • Psychology. AEI: Area Psychology (PSI), DFG review board 1.22;
  • Particle and Nuclear Physics (FPN Subarea), Physics Area (FIS), DFG review board 3.24;
  • Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate Research. Subareas CYA and MAR in the area of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (CTM). In both cases DFG review board 3.41.

Applicants should ensure that their project falls within one of these fields, i.e. that it covers the above-mentioned AEI areas and subareas as well as the DFG review boards (“Fachkollegien”).

Each research project must be jointly conducted by a team of Spanish and German applicants. The principal investigators on each side must be eligible to apply to their respective funding agency. Even though stated otherwise in the AEI call text, the duration of the projects on both sides must not exceed 36 months. Proposals with longer project durations will not be accepted.

This bilateral call will be managed via a Lead Agency Procedure. The AEI will act as the Lead Agency in this call, i.e. proposals have to be prepared in the AEI format according to the AEI guidelines, and the AEI will be in charge of organising the review and evaluation of the proposals.

Proposals must be submitted by 31 January 2025 to the AEI. The applicants in Germany must submit the proposal documents to the DFG within 7 days upon submission to the AEI. Please note that if applicants are using the elan system for the first time, they will need to register in the elan portal prior to submitting their proposal by 21 January 2025 at the latest.

Quelle: DFG Redaktion: von Miguel Krux, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Spanien Themen: Förderung Geistes- und Sozialwiss. Geowissenschaften Grundlagenforschung Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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