StartseiteLänderEuropaNorwegenNorwegen stärkt Forschungskooperation mit Brasilien und Südafrika

Norwegen stärkt Forschungskooperation mit Brasilien und Südafrika

Der Norwegische Forschungsrat hat Roadmaps zur Intensivierung der Kooperation im Bereich der Forschung mit beiden Ländern vorgelegt. Brasilien und Südafrika sind zwei von insgesamt acht Ländern außerhalb der EU, denen Norwegen eine höhere Priorität in der Forschungskooperation beimisst. Zudem handelt es sich bei beiden Ländern um Schlüsselländer für den norwegischen Wirtschaftssektor.

Strengthening Norwegian research cooperation with Brazil and South Africa

The Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway are taking steps to strengthen research cooperation with South Africa and Brazil. The objective is to give Norwegian research groups and companies greater access to international expertise and provide a good framework for participating in projects to advance Norwegian research and industry.

Brazil and South Africa are key countries for the Norwegian business sector and are both in the group of Norway's priority countries for research cooperation outside the EU/EEU.

The Research Council and Innovation Norway are launching collaborative efforts in each country and will be introducing the position of science and technology counsellor in both countries to lead these activities. The Research Council and Innovation Norway already cooperate closely in Japan, Singapore and India.

High expectations

The Research Council has had productive, successful research cooperation with both Brazil and South Africa for many years now, states Arvid Hallén, Director General of the Research Council of Norway. "I am certain that the new science and technology counsellor positions will take this cooperation to a new level and will help to expand industry-relevant research."

Norwegian companies attractive as partners

International science and technology cooperation is an important priority for Innovation Norway and the Research Council alike. Both organisations conduct widespread activities abroad, but this is the first time they have entered into cooperation with shared goals in these areas.

Advanced Norwegian knowledge enterprises are highly sought-after partners in many international markets. Experience shows that they are quick to pick up on new trends that will require restructuring for a company to maintain its existing position and create a framework for further growth.

Norwegian industry has high operating costs and must stay ahead of developments to compete successfully. Enhanced coordination between research and industry in an international perspective is an important means of promoting competitiveness.

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Brasilien Südafrika Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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