Germany needs to decarbonize and African countries need to boost their industrialisation: hydrogen seems to be the determining factor for the win-win scenario. But there is a lot of renewable energy to be developed, infrastructure to be build, feasibility to be proven and industries to maintain. Who are the first movers? How and where will we build the necessary infrastructure? What about the logistics? What role will transition technologies play? How will green energy and hydrogen production go hand in hand with the development in Africa? And last but not least: how can industries achieve a successful transition?
These and more questions will be addressed at the 16th German-African energy forum "2nd Unlocking Industries – Hydrogen in Africa: Transforming Infrastructure & Partnerships" to create solutions and partnerships to push projects to the next level, initiate new paths of cooperation and work towards a unified German-African hydrogen market. The fourm organised by the Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. (German-African Business Association) takes place on June 14th and 15th 2023 in Hamburg.