StartseiteLänderAfrikaTunesienEuro-Mediterranean Hub for Research and Innovation

Euro-Mediterranean Hub for Research and Innovation

Netzwerke in Forschung, Technologie und Innovation

The Union for the Mediterranean (UFM) and the European Commission strated the "Euro-Mediterranean Hub for research and innovation" in April 2024. The tool will serve as a learning and collaborative platform for Mediterranean cooperation, aiming at bolstering the UFM Regional Policy Dialogue on research and innovation (R&I) – co-presided by the EU – and facilitate the implementation of R&I roadmaps on health, renewable energies, and climate change. The portal is a one-stop shop and offers a centralised source of information encompassing research results, best practices, policy papers, and other relevant publications. Additionally, it provides a portfolio of opportunities for R&I collaboration, ranging from funding opportunities to initiatives supporting collaborative Mediterranean ecosystems of R&I, such as networks and cluster organisations.

Quelle: Europäische Kommission Redaktion: von Luis Franke, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Ägypten Algerien Marokko Tunesien Israel Jordanien Libanon Türkei Bulgarien Frankreich Griechenland Italien Kroatien Luxemburg Malta Portugal Slowenien Spanien EU Themen: Energie Förderung Lebenswissenschaften Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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