Termine: Europäische Union (EU)
Hier finden Sie Hinweise zu verschiedenen Typen von Veranstaltungen, darunter Diskussionsrunden zur strategischen Ausrichtung der EU-Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik, Informationsveranstaltungen zu Förderangeboten der EU und Veranstaltungen zum Aufbau und zur Pflege von fachspezifischen EU-weiten Netzwerken.
Viertes Globales Innovationsforum 2014
The fourth Global innovation Forum will discuss the latest trends in the field of innovation, creativity, design, R&D and new product development, as well as the major challenges for the future. We rely on a tremendous agenda, experienced speakers,…
EU-Workshop für Risikomanagement im Umgang mit Chemikalien
In December 2012 and in November 2013, the Commission services have organised two workshops on chemical risk management under REACH and other sector specific legislation. Both received positive feedback from the participants, mainly Competent…
Partnering Veranstaltung von CORNET & IraSME
What: Match making event to find partners for research and development Target: Interested companies, research organisations and associations IraSME organises one partnering event per call in cooperation with its partner program CORNET.…
Sechster Europäischer Innovationsgipfel
The 6th European Innovation Summit is planned at a time when the new European Parliament and the new European Commission set their objectives and respective agendas for the next five years. The Knowledge4Innovation Forum is taking this opportunity…
Globale Bildungswoche GEW 2014: Ernährungssicherheit – Lebensmittelverschwendung
Die Global Education Week 2014 findet vom 15. bis 23. November statt. Das diesjährige Motto in Deutschland lautet: Ernährungssicherheit – Lebensmittelverschwendung. Die europaweite Woche hat zum Ziel, die Themen des Globalen Lernens in…
Zweiter JEUPISTE Project Innovation Workshop: "Smart Communities” in a broader term"
The FP7 project, “Japan-EU Partnership in Innovation, Science and Technology (JEUPISTE) is engaged in various activities to reinforce Europe-Japan cooperation in science, technology and innovation (STI), including contribution to STI policy…
RINASCIMENTO 2014: Emerging Industries - ein Motor für Wachstum
Organised by Regione Lombardia in cooperation with EC's DG Enterprise & Industry in the framework of the Italian Council Presidency, the first Emerging Industries Conference "RINASCIMENTO: Emerging Industries - A New Engine for Growth" will offer an…
Finanzierungsinstrumente für Umweltinnovationen: Abschlusskonferenz des EU-Projektes PRESOURCE
Crowdinvesting, Beteiligungskapital und Contracting können geeignete Finanzierungsinstrumente für Umweltinnovationen kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen (KMU) sein. Die Abschlusskonferenz des EU-Projektes PRESOURCE („Promotion of Ressource Efficiency…
EU-India STI Cooperation Days
The Fifth edition of the EU-India STI cooperation days will discuss ongoing and future cooperation and will set the scene for further fruitful initiatives in the energy field. The event aims at supporting the policy dialogue by creating new research…