StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Baltische LänderQuantERA: Quantum Technologies Public Policies Report

QuantERA: Quantum Technologies Public Policies Report

Erscheinungsdatum: 14.09.2023 Fachberichte und -studien

As the landscape of national programmes and approaches regarding Quantum Technologies (QT) continue to evolve, QuantERA mapped and illustrated developments in this area for the second time. The report delivers a snapshot of the European policies, as well as funding instruments provided by relevant Research Funding Organisations. It can serve as a reference and toolkit for policymakers to shape the future development of QT at national and the European level.

The key findings are based on the results of an inventory conducted in the spring of 2023 among 41 members of the QuantERA consortium:

  • 10 countries confirmed national funding programmes or strategies to support QT: Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
  • 5 countries have strategies that are in various stages of development: Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden.
  • 5 countries have significant government-funded initiatives: Austria, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
Quelle: QuantERA Redaktion: von Laura Bazahica, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Israel Türkei Belgien Bulgarien Dänemark Estland Finnland Frankreich Griechenland Irland Italien Kroatien Lettland Litauen Luxemburg Malta Niederlande Norwegen Österreich Polen Portugal Rumänien Schweden Schweiz Slowakei Slowenien Spanien Tschechische Republik Ungarn Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Themen: Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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